Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day one

So, it's January 1st 2011 and the start of my transformation. The first thing on my agenda is to not drink for one month.  I think not only will it help drop some weight, but I think it will be good for my liver.  It seems that lately I tend to get up in the middle of the night, between 3am and 4 am, to use the bathroom because my bladder can't wait until morning when I get up for work.  It's been that way for a while and I'm thinking it's because I drink a mimosa or two every evening rather than drinking water like I should be doing.  So I feel this will really help my body get stronger.  Don't get me wrong, I love to have a cocktail and am not giving that up, I'm just cutting way back.  After the one month of not drinking I will cut back to weekends only and maybe, depending on how I'm feeling on my weight control, having a glass of wine one or two nights a week may be OK too.

So, my neighbor Rob invited E and myself over today for drinks and a nosh between 2pm and 6pm, but I think I'm going to pass on it because I think it will be difficult for me not to want to have a drink.  I would probable find a reason to wait until Monday to start this and that's not good for me.  Not sure how E feels about this and I want to support her with her transformation as well and if she wants to wait til Monday that's OK with me. I know how hard it was for me to quit smoking and how strong I had to be to stay on track to quit.  If I give myself an inch, I know I'll take a foot every time, so it's best to stay true to myself.

The other day I tried a couple new recipes out of my new cook book that E gave me for x-mas.  It was  Lemon chicken breasts, yummy, and roasted butternut squash, double yummy. I never thought squash could taste go good.  The really great thing about this meal was the fact that squash is full of vitamins and is very healthy for you.  Roasting it with only a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and a little thyme and kosher salt was simple.  The chicken was also cooked with olive oil and with lemons.  Between the roasted squash and baked lemon chicken breast we ate about 500 calories and were both really full.  I'm going to make a list today of foods I'm going to be making in the coming weeks for a heathier me.  I'm not real big on exercising but I am going to try and get my butt out and walk my dog more than I do. The vet said Chloe could lose a few pounds herself.  I want to share these great dishes I made and they really go well together.

This website won't let me copy and paste, but here's the link to the recipe for the Lemon Chicken.

For the butternut squash, it's real easy to make:
Adapted from Ina Garten
(I used less oil, but that's the only thing I did differently)

1 large (4pd) butternut squash, peeled, seeded, and 1-inch-diced
1 Tbsp good olive oil
1 Tbsp minced fresh thyme leaves
2 tsp kosher salt
1tsp ground pepper
Preheat oven to 400 degrees
Place squash on cookie sheet, add olive oil,thyme,salt and pepper, and toss with your hand. Roast 30 to 40 mins, until tender. Season to taste ( if desired) and serve hot.

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